There are many facets of your company to consider when you want to cut costs. One way to go is to schedule a meeting with one of our skilled design and manufacturing engineers here at Manor Tool to review your drawings and production plan, and help your company meet low or high volume production requirements. Whether this is your first component or your 1,000,000th, Manor Tool can help you cut costs and save money with a “second set of eyes.”
Offline Time?
For example, how often are your current dies taken offline for repair and re-tooling? If your current design requires frequent offline time for die repair, have you been able to determine the features that are causing this down time and the lead time extension? Review your design to determine the possibility of altering these features to simplify the component and eliminate unnecessary wear on your die and tooling. Manor’s engineering staff can aid your team with this issue.
As far as tooling goes, review your current requirements for your components and determine if there are alterations that can be made to reduce complexity and maintain functionality. Just changing square holes to circular holes drastically simplifies machining and tooling requirements. This will reduce your production time and your overall component cost. What about your design and the number of machines and processes that are required? Can changes be made to utilize the same machinery or process?
Automation Possibilities?
Are there portions of your design that currently require manual intervention? You should probably go over these areas to identify possible automation or elimination. Manual machining operations are costly and time consuming. Anything you can do to reduce this will have an immediate impact on your component cost. Our engineering team can help identify opportunities to automate feature creation for your parts.
Having an expert third party review your design and provide feedback is just one of the tips we at Manor Tool can offer you. If you’re interested in a few more tips, Manor Tool has put together The Cost Saving Guide to Metal Stamped Parts which gives you 23 tips that will help save on your next metal stamping project.
To download the eBook Guide, click the button below, or contact Manor today and let us assist you.